avatarLiviu Damian, July 12, 2020

There is hope

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

TODO: provide alt

Interpreting the data.

Not an easy job these days.

Is this thing thinking? What we don't know?
import client, { previewClient } from './sanity'
import imageUrlBuilder from '@sanity/image-url'

const blogFields = `
  'slug': slug.current,
  'author': author->{name, 'avatar': avatar.asset->url},

const builder = imageUrlBuilder(client)
const getClient = preview => preview ? previewClient : client

export function urlFor(source) {
  return builder.image(source)

// offset: how many data you want to skip, limit: how manhy data you want to fetch
export async function getAllBlogs() {
  const results = await client
    .fetch(`*[_type == "blog"] | order(date desc) {${blogFields}}`)
  return results

export async function getPaginatedBlogs({offset = 0, date = 'desc'} = {offset: 0, date: 'desc'}) {
  const results = await client
    .fetch(`*[_type == "blog"] | order(date ${date}) {${blogFields}}[${offset}...${offset + 6}]`)
  return results

export async function getBlogBySlug(slug, preview) {
  const currentClient = getClient(preview)
  const result = await currentClient
    .fetch(`*[_type == "blog" && slug.current == $slug] {
      content[]{..., "asset": asset->}
    }`, {slug})
    .then(res => preview ? (res?.[1] ? res[1] : res[0]) : res?.[0])

  return result